Invested: AVAX
Balance: KUCO

What is KucoCoin?

KucoCoin is a crypto token deployed over Avalanche. Kuco means "love and prosper" in Nigerian, though the name was also chosen to encourage mistaken investments that meant to target the KuCoin exchange token. In contrast to many other tokens, KucoCoin is not a meme token. It is also not a scam, those claims have been disproven many times, and ruined careers of many so-called experts, including Vitalik Buterin, Sergei Nazarov, and Satoshi Nakamoto.

Mission statement

Our goal is to make the world a better place by providing a token that is better than any other token. As a common practice initiated by Binance and followed by the beloved exchange FTX, we also allow you to let us control your private keys. Just send us your private keys to or post them on Facebook with hashtag #kucocoin. Note that KucoCoin would never misuse your private keys, because we love you. To add KucoCoin to your wallet click here.


Buying KucoCoin

KucoCoin is currently in the distribution stage, and it can't be bought yet. Instead it is possible to invest AVAX into a liquidity pool and be rewarded with KUCO at some later time. For more info check our KUCO distribution model. Note that the contract is verified on the Snowtrace block explorer, where you can manually call any of the methods.

The story of KucoCoin ownership hierarchy

Price for 1 KUCO on the liquidity pool is AVAX, with liquidity of AVAX and KUCO. KucoCoin will be available to buy after the investment phase in


KucoCoin's Revolutionary Features

KucoCoin features many functionalities that are completely new to the market.

Preventing loss of funds with burn private key

We are moving away from burn addresses, because they are often responsible for the loss of funds. Instead we have a burn private key 0xdead, with associated address 0x7B1aF...0d896. With KucoCoin you can rest assured that all of your burned tokens are recovable.

Attaining price stability

KucoCoin introduces a revolutionary feature allowing temporary transaction freezes. When holders stake sufficient KucoCoin tokens, the system triggers a lockdown, halting all transactions and rendering KucoCoin immovable. As during that time KucoCoin can be neither bought nor sold, its price remains stable. This means KucoCoin is a stablecoin when it can't be used.
KucoCoin is also focused on promoting inclusion from all walks of life. Our goal is to bring joy to all races, genders, and sexual orientations. We don't discriminate, your money looks the same no matter who you are!

For LGBTQ community - introducing trans actions!

We at KucoCoin firmly believe that everyone should be represented on the blockchain. That is why we call our transactions trans actions. What does this mean? Besides the usual transfer method, our contract also fatures a makeTransAction method with the EXACT same functionality. , except that it additionally charges you 1 KUCO. Act now by choosing the amount of KUCO you wish to act with, then click the "Trans Act" text.
Note that currently making a trans action is the only way to show support to the trans community on the blockcahin. We urge you to not be on the wrong side of history by missing this unique opportunity.

For women - track your menstrual cycle with KucoCoin!

Did you ever want to track your menstrual cycle on the blockchain? Good news, now you can! We at KucoCoin have tracked the problem that was plaguing the blockchain space for years, and have implemented a simple solution. Our token is the first token to feature a method called reportPeriod, that logs the start of your period. All for a low price of 1 KUCO! Stop syncing with the moon and sync with the blockchain instead, by pressing the below button.
KucoCoin stores all your period entires, and it uses on-chain AI (not yet implemented) to predict your next period. Note that the prediction's accuracy is not guarranteed.


The Distribution Model

Below we describe the tokenomics of KUCO distribution. The model assumes a fixed Uniswap-V2 liquidiy pool, denoted LP, that collects AVAX for an initially fixed deposit of newly minted KUCO tokens. Before reading the following scheme, note that you should try to understand the scheme in the positive light, without negative judgement, in the way we want you to.

1. Investing AVAX liquidity

The liquidity pool LP has an initial deposit of a billion KUCO tokens, by providing AVAX as liquidity, which is then burned. Investment is not refundable, with deposit's liquidity burned. Before KucoCoin can be traded, users can invest in the pool, though it can be retracted for 10% fee.

2. Collecting minted KUCO

After some time, KUCO will be minted to the accounts of investors who deposited AVAX to the liquidity pool LP. If at that time the liquidity in LP is comprised of K KUCO and A AVAX, with you investing a AVAX, then you will receive 1.05 × a × K / A KUCO in return.
Note that in the second step you get k KUCO, where k solves the equation k × A / K = 1.05 × a. Because A / K is the price of KUCO in AVAX on the liquidity pool, you get 1.05 × a AVAX worth of KUCO. Below is a tl;dr of our scheme inside a triangle.
you invest
your hard earned,
AVAX, then you watch the
price of KUCO/AVAX go up as others
like you invest in the liquidity pool.
The first phase of the scheme is called the PUMP phase, because you will get pumped-up watching the price of KucoCoin grow. The second phase is called the DUMP phase because you have the wealth of KucoCoin being dumped onto you. If facing any reservations, read below a quote from a bible that reassures potential KucoCoin investors.
There will come unto thee those who speak, "Engage not in the trade of KucoCoin, for in its nature, it is akin to a pyramid scheme." To such words, reply, "Should wealth be granted unto me through such means, shall the nature of its scheme diminish its value?" Behold, KucoCoin is likened unto a pyramid in its structure, yet it prospers. And he who ventures therein may find thyself amongst the rewarded.
With those words in mind click the investment button below and choose how much to invest. If you have followed the words above, collect your rewards below.



Please note that retracting your investment incurs a fee of 10% of the invested amount. This option is available for up to one week following the start of the trading period. During that time, the non-claimed retractable AVAX is protected from withdrawal in the liquidity pool. If not convinced by the above arguments, stare at the below spiral for 5 minutes and then reconsider.


What Our Customers Are Saying

We charish the testimonials of our customers. Below are some of the most recent happy customers. While we believe bad reviews of our product should ideally be shown as well, we have decided against it, because we don't want to promote negative energy, because let's admit it, there is too much suffering and overall bad vibes in the world.
User I think KucoCoin is the best token I have ever invested in. It will earn me a shitload of money.
Nates Kuco - Founder of KucoCoin
User I lost all my savings on trading crypto. I was ready to accept my fate and end it all... but then I found KucoCoin and invested my family savings. I know I will become a millionaire soon, just like you!
Tim Cockoshinek - Happy Customer
User Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua
Thomas K - Happy Customer
As you can see KucoCoin is 100% legit and has many happy customers. If you want to be one of them, invest nowbuy now!


At stage one you are worthless because you have no KucoCoin. Society rejects you and your parents are ashamed of you. You spend your days mourning a distant dream of prosperity, a skyscraper in the far background posing as a constant reminder of a life that could have been. If you die, no one cares.


At stage two you find out about KucoCoin, and finally have a purpose in life - getting more KucoCoin. Also someone whispers "The first glimmer of hope" as to describe the stage you are currently inhabiting.


At Stage Three, you become seriously invested in KucoCoin. You believe in KucoCoin and are promoting it to your friends and family, while also providing liquidity to various DEXs. You notice that every time you buy KucoCoin on a DEX, its price goes up, so you keep doing it. You also decide to frame some paintings of upward financial graphs around the house, symbolizing the progress in your life enabled by KucoCoin's price growth. At this point, you finally have some respect in society and gain a six-pack.


At Stage Four, you are a successful KucoCoin investor. Your investment pays off big time, and the KucoCoin price skyrockets, with the price graph almost defying logic by taking on the shape of an upward arrow. This makes your life revolve around KucoCoin, and you start to believe that every other token is a shit token (even Avalanche, the platform KucoCoin is built on... you don't ask questions). At this point, you are elevated to aristocratic status and gain another six-pack.


At stage five, you are a KucoCoin whale. You lose your six packs, because you realize they don't matter anymore. All that matters is KucoCoin. This thinking transports you to the spiritual realm, where you can directly communicate with Jesus and Tom Cruise.


This stage is secret. By unlocking it you find out the truth about Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Tom Cruise, and most importantly, KucoCoin itself!